MARCH 19, 2024 11:07 PM EDT

text and image created by Shane Powers

originally published in Table Magazine

The Moon will be waxing in Leo at the moment of the spring equinox on March 19th at 11:07 PM, EDT when the Sun enters the first degree of Aries. Both in fire signs and in close contact with Pluto in the early degrees of the fixed air sign Aquarius. Like air feeds fire, our thoughts fuel our actions. This planetary combination at the moment of the equinox initiates a season focused on our relationships to unhinged power structures and the precarious aspects of the hive mind. The Moon in Leo asks us to think with our hearts as Pluto in Aquarius reveals ideologies buried within our collective dreams that have decomposed. God of war and protection Mars, who guides the Sun's ingress into Aries, is transiting the final degrees of headstrong Aquarius without contact to any other planet at this moment and is therefore unpredictable in its objectives. Air and fire signs tend to operate with less emotion but instead are interested in the ignition and dissemination of luminous thought, apart from the concerns of material reality. This configuration is calculating and action oriented, moving through generations of subterranean societal agendas, resolving gut wrenching truths about the state of the world. Provocative as well, there is the potential of exposing profound cultural wounds that are difficult to digest while pollinating worthwhile growth and systems rooted in compassion.

The following aspect the Moon will make is with beneficent Jupiter who with significance joins Uranus for the first time since 2011 in the fixed earth sign Taurus. A catalyst for upset and dynamic change, Uranus tests Jupiters call to believe and to prosper. This configuration could herald no turning back breakthroughs in the stability of the green earth beneath our feet or the hubris which runs through the erratic discourse of its condition. Taurus represented by the bull is one of the most ancient signs of the zodiac and stems from a time when humans domesticated and siphoned the tireless strength of the bull to advance the productivity of agriculture. Earth and civilization was a different story at that time. Taurus is the land and Uranus is epiphany. The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus could illuminate real consequences of the extraction of earth born resources and our collective labor pains in the seemingly insurmountable consensus on productivity levels. Enough appears to never be enough. At a time when our needs and wants, justified or not, have outweighed our ability to responsibly procure and sustainably manufacture them, this conjunction of planetary titans is yet another reminder that the material world inherently holds restraint respectably.

The horoscopes I write offer broad strokes. Natal astrology consultations express finer detail particular to your sole astrology. Whether you have met with me before or not we can look back, in the present and future together.

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As the Sun enters Aries in your first house of the body and mind, Mars, your planetary guide is in Aquarius in your eleventh house of hopes and affiliations. You recently entered a space, possibly a job, committee or circle of friends where a subtle but considerable shift in power dynamics has become a discomfort for your sense of sovereignty. You may feel bound to a cause or ideal approach to life that is at odds with those around you. This tension is not futile as it leads you to further interrogate your ethics within group settings. Mercury in Aries is transiting your first house guiding your style of communication which at this time is idiosyncratic and interested in voicing systems of freedom. You possess a confidence level with your ideas that has the ability to catch the collective wind like a sail but first you must find your distinct way of making the abstract and uncharted a place for others to enter as well.


Spring will be a time of clarifying your expectations in regards to your plans for the near future. Venus, your planetary guide is well positioned in Pisces in your eleventh house of goals, ambition and community. Close by, Saturn who influences your visibility and recognition is also in Pisces where it asks you to ponder the boundaries between the imaginary and real, particularly in the realms of work and career. Venus and Saturn together in the eleventh house create crooked visions of what is truly possible right now for yourself while among others. Venus says yes please and desires to have it all but Saturn here is prohibitive and adverse to the emotional chaos of Piscean possibilities. Be aware of the tendency to become self-sacrificing at any cost in the pursuit of your vocation. Venus is applying to a favorable aspect with life-giving Jupiter in your first house of the self, implying that no matter what you are toiling over right now, trust that plenty is already enough.


Mercury, your planetary guide will spend an elongated amount of time ruminating in Aries this spring due to its retrograde from April 1st through the 25th. Mercury has heightened charisma and curiosity in fire sign Aries, rousing willful and arbitrary experimentation regarding your philosophical worldview specifically. Saturn in Pisces in your tenth house, where your talents shine, shares a special hidden aspect with Mercury where issues regarding where you see yourself in a place of visibility or significance can feel like an awkward initiation right now. You're reconsidering where you connect socially as well and where your gifts would be shared most effectively within an environment that shares symmetrical values. This Mercury retrograde, release wilting social distractions and shed expiring dreams which can be innovatively recycled. Make way for new opportunities by the first week of June when an influential new Moon in Gemini will reset a dynamic sense of identity and purpose, but may require kissing a few frogs.


As the Sun enters Aries in your tenth house of destiny, the Moon, your planetary guide, has recently entered Leo in your second house of substance. In a separating benevolent aspect, the Moon and Sun have just made contact that speaks of a generous outflow of life-force and expression in a direct and clear manner. The atmosphere is agreeable within the beginning of spring for sharing your warm hearted vulnerability. The Moon is transiting a portion of Leo in accord with open handed Jupiter who ensures a grand appetite for life and abundant resources especially in the pursuit of showmanship and visibility in a vocation or career. Simultaneously the Moon opposes Pluto in your eighth house of doubt. There is a great opportunity in your astrology this spring to bring to fruition a message or enterprise you have developed by tapping your deepest and most delicate roots. A place where fragments of your endangered self have fortified into a source of sustenance and beauty. It will be received graciously as a gift of service to others and coincide as a source of profound healing within yourself as well.


Spring marks the approximate halfway point in the ongoing eclipse cycle in your third house of subjective practical matters and wisdom pursuing ninth house. Just past the equinox on March 25th there will be a lunar eclipse in Libra in your third house where you’re processing the unraveling of rapid cerebral adaptation, daily upkeep and running on unconditional momentum. Venus who guides your third house is exalted in Pisces tethered close to leaden Saturn in your eighth house where both planets stew in the gravitational intoxication that can develop in disenchantment. Or when holding onto discomforts within relationships and the work you do may feel less daunting than questioning and reframing the bigger picture. The solar eclipse on April 8th will occur in your ninth house seeking perspective through frank but clarifying discussions with a friend or trusted colleague. This insight offers sound advice that cuts deep but steers you through undermining preoccupations where you no longer see the forest for the trees. This eclipse cycle will broaden short sighted contentment with the breadth of an eagle’s eye.


Mutable Virgo adapts to changing circumstances with discernment and yearns for practical outcomes. But as an earth sign guided by cerebral Mercury, Virgo is also reluctantly adept with the intricacies and complications implicit in natural time and organic processes. Mercury will be retrograde April 1st through the 25th in your eighth house of trial and tribulations, where issues of personal income and shared expenses with either a partner or family member enter a state of consideration. You may be questioning whether your current income can sustain the never ending whims and needs of the ideal home, a possible source of stress this spring and something to prioritize by adjusting your expectations short and long term. Reconsider the ebb and flow of income streams if needed. Concurrently you may be dealing with shared resources that involve partnerships or family members where feelings of resentment may easily arise. It will be important this spring to remember that your concept of reality is as complex as others and their perspective may be as justified and true.


You're approximately half way through a cycle of eclipses in Aries and Libra in your first house of self and seventh house of others. This is a zodiacal axis that is concerned with freedom, compromise and how it all looks. Eclipses reveal and conceal things. The full Moon in Libra during the eclipse on March 25th will mark a culmination in the releasing process of appropriateness and appearances for the sake of reputation. It may also unveil emotional dependencies on recognition received from authority figures, a decent paycheck or a job well done. Recognition is a powerful aphrodisiac but this set of eclipses lasting through spring of 2025 will rid you of conventional notions of expectations from colleagues and numbing social norms. With respect, but without compromise, the freedom you are sizing into is raw and you may struggle or even fear coming to terms with its complete but untidy potential. This naked and accountable-to-nobody but one’s self can feel like swimming upstream which is the great paradox of this process because ultimately you're becoming someone you remember quite well.


Imagine what your living space would be if it most accurately reflected the inner workings of your brain. As spring arrives, Mars, your planetary guide and Pluto, god of imminent change are transiting Aquarius in your fourth house of home, land and family matters. Mars in Aquarius is not in contact with other planets and therefore impressionable but prepared to abandon previously held ideals of a particular lifestyle. Left to their own devices, planets must make it up and find a way. This may stir feelings of disillusionment regarding the state of your home and family life, feeling unresolved and out of tune. This spring may involve letting go of or adjusting to a new lifestyle or living situation that affords you the flexibility to lead a more fluid and creative existence apart from expectations and keeping up with the Joneses. This living situation, odd as it may appear, operates like a multi-tasking nerve center that adapts easily and comfortably to your changing needs and its aesthetic merit is born of its essential structure like the beauty of a scientific diagram.


Spring begins with a friendly aspect between your planetary guide Jupiter in your sixth house of struggle and Venus with Saturn in your fourth house of origin, family and a sense of home. Jupiter has been transiting your sixth house where you’ve been chopping wood and carrying water while making ends meet in work and friendships. As Jupiter makes contact with Venus and Saturn in your fourth house you may feel a homesickness for creature comforts. But you are uncertain where that sense of home and family lands, especially if you’ve moved away for a job or greener pastures. A sudden change in the way you endure work-related stress will come when Jupiter joins Uranus marking a threshold in your relationship to labor, home and family. Follow that desire to show up for family, friends and your basic survival needs. Seek companionship that weaves a holistic cloth of resilience to any paradigm but your own. By the time Jupiter awkwardly enters Gemini on May 25th in your seventh house of relationships you’ll no longer feel like you’re going at it alone.


This spring you’ll be learning through tough love how to define elastic but firm boundaries. Venus, goddess of love, is about to join Saturn in Pisces where subdued conversations with siblings, children or partners may address topics of their undermining roles and habits in your life. Well resourced in Pisces and applying to a benefic connection with generous Jupiter in Taurus, there exists a wide emotional range on both parts that makes receiving each other's honesty a great possibility. Jupiter is in reach of a conjunction with cathartic Uranus, exposing sore spots that were once unapproachable but now feel reconcilable and grounded in mutual understanding. There is a residue here of issues within family and partnerships that are complicated to unpack, like psychic heirlooms inherited and then subsumed by appropriateness, patriarchy and the institutions of religion and marriage. This spring will feel like a sea change in your close relationships where healing discussions offer remediation and conflict may be resolved within a celestially supportive atmosphere.


The second house in astrology is one of the places we can have our needs met with economic stability, nutrition and born talents. The fourth house of property is another place where our needs can be met but it is more environmental; where we’re able to rest, regulate and enjoy a level of comfort from the inhibiting effects of cold, heat and moisture. Venus who guides your sense of home is noble in Pisces and about to join frugal Saturn in your second house of resources where you may become more conscientious of where in life you tend to short change yourself, limiting possibilities of reasonable growth. Since 2018 Uranus has been transiting your fourth house of home and lifestyle where the reality of a steady living or family-like situation has been under seismic shifts in condition or location. Linking the second house topics of sustenance and fourth house topics of a solid roof above your head, an accommodating aspect is forming between Venus and Saturn with Jupiter and Uranus. This cohort of planets offer stability amongst ongoing turbulence in home matters but ask that you come wholeheartedly clear about the circumstances necessary to make a life changing possibility a reality.


Venus, who guides your idoling fears and attachment to others, is exalted in Pisces in your first house of self where you’re feeling empowered to reconcile the ideals you embrace in friendships and love. As a water sign, at this time your receptivity is amplified by a communicative aspect Venus is making to your planetary guide Jupiter in your third house where you’re considering the stories, and fantasies, you tell yourself about love. Pay attention to the undermining overwhelm your fickle fascination with other people’s business can bear on valuable mental real estate. As a sign ruled by generous Jupiter your tendency can be to make space for everyone's business whether they have asked for it or not. Venus is applying to the conjunction of Saturn, also in Pisces, in your first house where defining a new sense of autonomy has been on the top of your mind. Saturn in Pisces comes with expected slips and fails. But fresh routines in and separate from “career” have given you a boost of confidence where you’re focused on how to interface with your own reality less the voices of others in your head.

