MARCH 10, 2023 5:00 AM EST

text and image created by Shane Powers

originally published in Table Magazine

As winter wanes, the Moon and Sun join at 20° in the mutable water sign Pisces on March 10th at 5:00 AM EST. Nestled between austere Saturn and mirage inducing Neptune, this new moon focuses on the disillusionment that precedes creation. Aqueous Pisces, like water, is impressionable, taking on the form of its environment as liquid, solid or vapor. Saturn and Neptune’s presence unhinge a sense of faith where undefined paranoia has become a collective sedative. As in the Wizard of Oz, structures of power continue to peddle a synthetic utopia and like Dorothy we skip through a field of inebriating poppies towards The Emerald City.  A gently supportive aspect between the profusion of planets in Pisces and Jupiter in earthbound Taurus offers a bed to lay and rest upon while entering a collective dream state before the birth of spring. This dream cuts the umbilical cord of dependency and addiction to a non reality, edging towards peace and understanding without appraisal. It is an auspicious new moon for questioning where we tend to be easily seduced by the carnival of culture, hollow infotainment, and chameleon-like politics. Notice where tempering the extremes of optimism and anguish have become an overwhelm frosted with numbing ennui. This is a month to re-engage with devotional practices that offer sensual and inspired transcendence; revealing core passions apart from culture. It invites a quiet and grounded centeredness involving hands-on engagement with the physical world.

The horoscopes I write offer broad strokes. Natal astrology consultations express finer detail particular to your sole astrology. Whether you have met with me before or not we can look back, in the present and future together.

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You’re seeking unusual and eccentric company within social groups and intimate relationships. You may feel like a party or army of one at the moment as your planetary guide Mars is in the final portion of Aquarius in your eleventh house of allies and desired outcomes. Your actions are led by more unpredictable and independent impulses with no end goal that either enchants or repels. As the Moon meets the Sun in Pisces in your twelfth house of liminal places you’re unraveling issues surrounding matters of home and family that are coming with more cost than one can reasonably bear. This month consider what you are unwilling to suffer when topics of pleasure seeking, convenience and the idealism of what makes a home becomes a bewildering drain on your financial and emotional savings.


While recently your planetary guide Venus met with heated Mars in Aquarius in your tenth house of career you may have experienced a meltdown in the place of work or wherever you are recognized for your gifts. Perhaps you now feel at odds with the principles underpinning the best use of those talents. The new Moon in Pisces will take place between sobering Saturn and spellbinding Neptune in your eleventh house of friendship. There is a theme this month of needing to gracefully detach from dubious expectations of career, colleagues and or friendships where you are no longer certain of their significance. Beware of the tendency to become entangled in false alliances or pursuing social situations contrary to your nature. Cultivate a healthy level of distance rather than being swept emotionally into relationships that beyond a favor are otherwise ill fated.


The Moon joins the Sun in Pisces in your tenth house of purpose where the longing to merge your gifts with the appropriate illuminating voice may be a source of ambiguity. Burrowed between hardcore Saturn and formless Neptune, the Sun and Moon’s meeting here spawn an infinity of possibility that can feel at once mesmerizing and inspiring, which it should be, but also unnerving. Abstraction and its infinite outcomes has inherent limitations, reliant on the puzzling implementation of choice, a lens we place upon it. Decisiveness can be mystifying for curious Geminis but as your guiding planet Mercury transits the early degrees of Aries in your eleventh house of aspirations, goals and desires embrace a level of arbitrary thinking this month. As Mercury approaches the amplifying conjunction of the lunar north node on March 18th, sincerely fake it until you make it up for yourself.


You’ve taken off the rose colored glasses, or the inclination to glamorize ideals outside of yourself to such precarious standards, destined to fall. As the new Moon in mesmerizing Pisces passes in your ninth house of wisdom you’re anchoring your philosophical principles with the highly emotional quality of your personality which is prone to dam and flood under blind faith. This transcendental reboot involves the ongoing unveiling of a bona fide public image, but also a personal worldview contrary to communities you once found yourself a part of either willingly or by inheritance. The Moon and Sun are parting from an alleviating configuration with devoted Jupiter and galvanizing Uranus in earth sign Taurus where the growing pains felt during this time will reveal layers of unbroken truths upon draining your own swamp.


The Sun greets the Moon in Pisces in your eighth house of inheritance, fragility and surrender. This month you’ll be stabilizing the extremes of emotional, physical and financial dependencies within personal relationships or through other contractual arrangements. Topics of the eighth house can feel adverse and out of sight, or humbling because they can highlight where we may have caused imbalances of sustainability in relationships. Beneficent Jupiter in Taurus in your tenth house of advancements guides themes of luck and yearning, making it appear effortless to have it your way in relationships for better or worse. As the new Moon separates from an amicable configuration with Jupiter you should have the good grace to know where the glare of entitlement obscures your ability to communicate the well intended fine print you’re establishing in commitments of exchange and shared resources.


You may be on the cusp of signing a contractual or handshake agreement with a new partnership, event or employment opportunity. As the new Moon in Pisces occurs in your seventh house of relationships you’re primed to float in an adaptable state of mind as you unpack the terms of new circumstances that come with understandable concern and unknowns. Mercury, your guiding planet is in the first degree of Aries, a place of determined action and penetrative foresight into the underbelly of an offer or willingness to enter into a suitable agreement that may affect your visibility and its inevitable trade offs. As Mercury applies to a persuasive configuration with Pluto in your sixth house of toil your powers of deliberation are uncompromising, ensuring you have considered deeply how this relationship will, or not benefit all involved.


The emotional effects of your career or calling may be going through a tidal change as murky boundaries and circumstances among colleagues have created an elusive environment. The Moon meets the Sun in Pisces in your sixth house of toil and stress between a turbulent brew of Saturn and Neptune. Unstable leadership in the workplace may be going through growing pains as well. As Venus, your planetary ruler transits the last degrees of don't-take-it-personal Aquarius, your best approach at this time is some healthy detachment from the tendency to take on the role of reconciler. When Venus soon enters Pisces in your sixth house you should feel a restored sense of balance where you’re able to refocus on the quiet strength you bring to your work.


The new Moon in Pisces occurs in your fifth house where our senses are aroused by the possibilities of courtship, risk and pleasure. In a portion of Pisces associated with passionate Mars, this is a vital month for basking in creatively sensual opportunities involving your talents and matters close to the heart. This is a utopian focused new Moon aware of limitations providing just enough grip to create a spark of unorthodox friction; seeded with erotic fantasy that can be applied to pleasures of the intellect, material or flesh. With your planetary ruler Mars in the later degrees of Aquarius there will be little desire to make sense of new pleasures you are seeking for they may turn on their head completely. With a supportive aspect involving Jupiter in your seventh house of relationships, trust that the risks you’re taking is a liberatory force that makes all fountains of pro and co-creation possible.


For some time now you have been especially concerned with how to integrate a life of healthy work, play and a feeling of belonging. Tracing the divide between a fruitful and pleasing personal life with variable resources has understandably felt like a source of stress this year. Recently, as Mercury coursed Pisces you may have experienced a final straw suffering further dissolution in the emotional tug and pull of merging a place to articulate your talents upon a sound foundation. As the Moon joins the Sun in your fourth house of origins, or a place to bring matters of the heart and mind to rest, consider remaining in close proximity to your chosen family in order for growing tender roots to discover osmosis again. Sometimes the wanderlust for change is vital and other times we need to remain in place long enough to realize the grass is not always greener elsewhere.


The new moon in Pisces will occur in your third house of relatives, the familiar and communication. The Moon, who guides your seventh house of debates in love and war, is comfortable in the third house where you’re sensing clearly what is on the minds of others. New Moons offer pause and deep insight and in your case this month a need to sort through illusory messages received from a relative, partner or collaborator. Saturn and Neptune, co-present with the new moon in Pisces further challenge you to make sense of a fictitious reality stemming from a wounding in the area of home and family life. Uncertain where your thoughts and words may take you, your planetary guide Saturn here offers careful considerations that are objective yet discerning enough to reach the marrow of the situation.


This month will be a sobering time with the handling of material possessions and financial assets. The Moon will meet the Sun in your second house of sustenance initiating a month where recent shakes and disturbances on the home and work front have made peace of mind a more sensitive issue at this time. Notice where embarrassment arises in the potential of fluctuating life circumstances beyond your control and the tendency to act as if there is nothing to worry about. No need for poker face. Rather look your circumstances straight in the eye during this new moon with a forgiving embrace. Jupiter in your fourth house of stability, who guides your streams of livelihood, is in a supportive aspect with this new Moon. Trust that at minimum a place to call home right now is no match for the ebb and flow of expendable goods.


You’re focused this month on the susceptibility of your bodily senses. The new moon in your sign Pisces occurs in your first house of the mind and body where you register the influence of your immediate environments. This month may feel like you are being led by remote control. The Moon is symbolic of shadows and guides your sense of bodily pleasures. The Sun is symbolic of radiance and guides your awareness of service and dutifulness. As the Moon and Sun meet between contradictory Saturn and Neptune, making good sense of what brings you pleasure in your world right now may feel like mixing oil and water. There is a quite literal confluence of opposites here where determining your sense of satisfaction remains a slippery, shifting and unamable feeling at this time.

